May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting


Present:    Cllr A Gosling – Butterwick Parish Council Chairman Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council

Also Present:
Cllrs: M Knowles, N Donnely, K Forman, A Quickfall, L Pearson

Cllr P Bedford, Boston Borough Council and Cllr P Skinner, Lincolnshire County Council

There were no apologies received.

Chairman’s Annual Report

Due to the restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic the Council have only been able to hold 3 meetings during the 2020/21 year however, we have still managed to keep on top of important parish business by phone, emails etc. We did not venture onto Teams as some members were unable to participate with this method. I am sure this has all created additional work for the clerk and I would like to thank her for keeping on top of things and keeping us all informed of matters as they developed. Finally, I would like to thank all the members of the Council for volunteering their time to the Parish and our Borough and County Council Councillors, Peter and Paul for keeping us updated with wider matters.

Butterwick Village Hall Committee Annual Report

Prior to the first lockdown in March 2020, we had received the required 3 estimates for the much needed refurbishments of the Village Hall and it was decided that this should go ahead. Fortunately, as there was only one workman for the project, he was able to go ahead and complete the required works. Grants from the Government ensured that we would remain financially viable and as the hall was not being used, further works including the painting of the ceiling, replacement of the doors to the storage room and the committee room was completed and the kitchen door has been removed, the opening blocked up and plastered over. The Mother’s and Toddler’s group have now recommenced their sessions as well as Slimming World groups on a one in one out basis. Line dancing will be commencing on 17th May in line with the Government guidance however Sunday dancing is not expected to recommence until next year. Sadly the Youth Club has closed during the lockdown.

Butterwick Walking Group Annual Report

We normally meet every Wednesday at 1.30 at the Evergreens.  However, because of the pandemic we haven't met since March 2020 but we are hopeful that they will resume in June.  Each walk is about 3 miles & it takes  approximately  an hour, and afterwards we have tea & biscuits so it is a social event too. We originally received funding but this stopped a few years ago so several walkers got together and we formed Boston Community Health Walks group and our walks take place on various days throughout the Boston Area. 
We now charge £1.50 a week and this allows you to attend any of the walks within the whole group, this charge covers the refreshments and venue hire.

Park Green Project Annual Report

The land which covers 6.5 acres was originally purchased in September 2004 opposite the school and the creation of the park commenced in November 2004. The total cost for the purchase and completion of the park was approximately £240,000 which was raised by grants, donations and local fundraising events and the park officially opened in July 2005. Today, the administration of the park is completed by a committee of six people, the original equipment is still in good order and is maintained in accordance with Playsafe guidelines. Financially, the park is supported by Butterwick Parish Council donations for some of its day to day running costs for which the committee is thankful however, due to the Covid-19 pandemic the other major supporting fundraiser, the 100 Club, has been put on hold but hopefully will be relaunched very soon as the main fundraiser for the group.

Boston Borough Council Annual Report

It has been a very difficult year for meetings most have been on line which I personally hate but we have got through them , The Central government funding for Boston during the pandemic has been very good, Injection process at Boston has been first class, largest problem to most people at the minute is fly tipping but we have a Sub Group now working on this. Joining up with East Lindsey remains to be seen as a good or bad move early days. Most interesting thing will be the Census Figures to see what our area population really is.

Lincolnshire County Council Annual Report

Our response to the Covid issues has been a credit to all those involved. Our roads have areas which need addressing but I do feel the Council does need to get a bit more innovative and try some of the new machinery for pot hole repairs, verge repairs and surface impairments and highlight the trials and innovation work to our residents. Maybe even make better use of our verges as wildlife corridors. Going forward our economy is vital, creating good employment for all ages but ensuring our children and those starting out on their career paths have great opportunities for employment or starting out on their own. In Lincolnshire we do have some exceptional industries, from agricultural to food, engineering both on and off shore, tourism and leisure and all those other vital sectors which support and lead their own fields. Finally we have over the last year, have had to adapt to new ways of working especially in adult services, health and the NHS and children services, some good and some hopefully we have soon see the back of them. We do need to capitalise on the good and innovative ways to bring about efficiencies and a more joined up approach to these valuable services which really do support and bring benefits of great services to our residents!

To receive comments from the public on any relevant local issues

There were no comments presented to the meeting.

The Chairman thanked all those in attendance and the meeting closed at 7.20pm.