November 2019 Agenda

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 12th November 2019 at Butterwick Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm or at the end of the public forum. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.

There will be a public forum at 7.30 pm at which members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, and your attendance is also requested during this period.



1. Chairman’s Comments

2. Apologies for Absence and reasons given.

3. Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

4. Police matters.

5. Draft notes of the last meeting held on 8th October 2019 to be approved as the minutes.

6. Viewpoints on questions from members of the public.

7. Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council/Boston Borough Council from/to County Councillors/Borough Councillors

8. Finance

a. To consider and approve payment to The British Legion for the Remembrance Wreath

b. Financial report

c. Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet 11/2019

9. Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

a. See correspondence list

10. Reports/Matters for Various Bodies

11. Planning applications

None to date

12. Donations

To consider the request for donation to Butterwick Baby and Toddler Group

13. Parish Matters

14. Date & Time of next Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 10th December 2019.