July 2021 Minutes



Councillor A Gosling – Chairman

Councillor: M Knowles – Vice Chairman

Councillor: K Forman, L Pearson, N Donnely, A Quickfall

Also present Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council

Public Forum

There were no members of the public in attendance for the public forum. 

2021/27     Apologies

Cllr C Smith gave apologies which were accepted by the Council.

2021/28    Police Matters

The clerk received the following list of incidents prior to the meeting:

ABS Vehicle nuisance, Sea Lane

Fraud and forgery, Prince William Drive

2021/29     Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.

There were no interests declared.

2021/30   Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was proposed and accepted that the notes of the meeting held 8 June 2021 be approved as a correct record of the meeting and be signed by the Chairman.

2021/31   Reports from Lincolnshire County Council and Boston Borough Council 

There were no Borough or County Councillors in attendance.

2021/32 Issues relating to the environment of the Parish

There were no issues raised

2021/33  Finance

It was proposed and agreed to accept the payments as per the payment sheet 06/2021.

2021/34 The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Cllr Knowles advised that if agreed he would make arrangements for the road to be closed on the day of the celebration tea on Sunday 5th June 2022. It was also suggested that the Village Hall could provide tables and chairs for a celebratory street party and that leaflets could be inserted with the Parish magazine inviting families to collect a table, chairs and food to participate in the celebrations. It was suggested that an application be made to the Councillor Grant scheme for funds towards the cost of the event.

Council resolved for Cllr Knowles to oversee the arrangements. 

2021/35    Matters for discussion or to be added to the next agenda

It was suggested that a notice be placed on the noticeboard regarding the Speedwatch initiative asking for volunteers from the community to get involved.

The clerk reported that she had received a communication from the Parish Clerk at Benington regarding overhanging hedges on Double Banks, Freiston Ings. The clerk advised she would send letters requesting the hedges be cut.

2021/36    Date and Time of the next Parish Council Meeting

Date and time of the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10 August 2021 beginning at 7.30pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 8.00 pm.