October 2021 Minutes



Councillors K Forman, L Pearson, N Donnely, A Quickfall, C Smith

Also present

Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council
2 members of the public

Public Forum

There were no items for the public forum. 

The clerk informed the Council that it was necessary to elect a Chairman to preside over the meeting as the current Chairman and the Vice Chairman were not in attendance. Cllr K Forman was proposed and was accepted unanimously. 

2021/67     Apologies

Cllr A Gosling, Cllr M Knowles and Cllr P Bedford, Boston Borough Council gave their apologies which were accepted by the council.

2021/68    Police Matters

The clerk informed the council that there would not be a monthly report to present to Council moving forward however, she had received notification that a newsletter would be available on a regular basis and the details of this would be forwarded in due course. 

2021/69     Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.

There were no interests declared.

2021/70   Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

Prior to approval, Cllr C Smith stated that the item regarding the tree obscuring the lamp post on Brand End Road had not been included although it had again been discussed. It was proposed and accepted that the notes of the meeting held 14 September 2021 be approved with the omission and be signed by the Chairman.

2021/71   Reports from Lincolnshire County Council and Boston Borough Council 

Mrs J Welbourn, a member of the public in attendance, stated that she had been asked to attend the meeting on behalf of Cllr Peter Bedford to present his report in her capacity as a Boston Borough Councillor. She then stated that there was nothing to report. Mrs Welbourn then stated that she had been approached in her capacity as a Boston Borough Councillor by the Rev Andrew Higginson to collate any information that was needed to be sent to Guardian Press with the intention of creating a four villages magazine with 50 copies being supplied to each village. She also confirmed that any additional costs of this magazine would be paid for from her Community Fund. The Council discussed this and agreed that a notice be placed on the noticeboard informing parishioners of the contact details for sending any information or adverts directly to Guardian Press.

Cllr Peter Bedford later confirmed that he had not asked Mrs Welbourn to attend on his behalf and Rev Andrew Higginson also confirmed that he had not approached Mrs Welbourn with any request regarding Guardian Press. 

2021/72 Issues relating to the environment of the Parish

Cllr Smith pointed out the overgrown tree issue on Brand End Road still needed addressing and the clerk confirmed that she would contact the Highways Department at Lincolnshire County Council directly in order to move this issue to a resolution. 

The clerk stated she had received an email from the residents regarding the hedge at The Lodge, Brand End Road stating that they had tried on several occasions to engage a local gardener to complete the works but had been let down. They asked if the Council could recommend a gardener and the Council proposed Richard Parish. 

Cllr Forman had received a complaint from a resident regarding the overgrown grounds at the BT exchange on Brand End Road and that the weeds were encroaching through the fencing on to their property. The clerk confirmed that she would contact BT and ask that they rectify the problem.

2021/73  Finance

It was proposed and agreed to accept the payments as per the payment sheet 10/2021.

2021/74  Annual Grant 

The clerk stated that The Butterwick Baby and Toddler group had submitted a request for an award from the Councillor Grant Scheme. It was proposed that as the current grant had been fully allocated to the Platinum Jubilee Street Party an annual award of £300.00 could be allocated, this was agreed unanimously. 

2021/75  Matters for discussion or to be added to the next agenda

There were no matters raised.

2021/76  Date and Time of the next Parish Council Meeting

Date and time of the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 9 November 2021 beginning at 7.30pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 8.25 pm.