November 2024 DRAFT Minutes
Present: Chairman: A Gosling
Vice Chairman: L Peason
Councillor: K Forman, A Quickfall, C Smith, C Gosling, J Barton.
Also present Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council
Cllr P Skinner, Lincolnshire County Council
Cllr P Bedford, Boston Borough Council
1 member of the public
Public Forum
A member of the public attended the meeting to raise an issue regarding the verge along Sea Lane and damage to the verge along Doves Lane. As the Parish Council have no powers regarding the highway verges, the matter was referred to Cllr P Skinner who confirmed he would investigate it.
2024/91 Apologies
Apologies were received prior to the meeting from Cllr D Broughton
2024/92 Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.
There were no interests declared.
2024/93 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held 08 October 2024 be approved and signed by the Chairman.
2024/94 Reports from Lincolnshire County Council and Boston Borough Council
Cllr P Bedford provided a verbal report on behalf of Boston Borough Council.
Cllr P Skinner provided a verbal report updating members on items from Lincolnshire County Council and Cllr D Broughton provided a written report which was read to members by the Chairman.
2024/95 Butterwick Park
The Chairman confirmed that the bridge had been successfully installed.
Cllr C Gosling reported he had noticed the paintwork was starting to wear around the high impact areas of the play equipment.
2024/96 Christmas Tree
Members RESOLVED to provide a Christmas Tree again on the green space in front of The Five Bells public house.
2024/97 Bus Provision through the village
Cllr P Skinner advised that the clerk should contact LCC Highways department to obtain an application to erect a bus stop at the junction of Homers Lane/A52.
2024/98 Village Hall Update
The clerk confirmed that she had contacted the YMCA liaison officer and was waiting for confirmation of dates when a meeting with the village hall committee could be arranged.
2024/99 Finance
It was RESOLVED to accept the payments as per the payment sheet 11/2024.
2024/100 Matters for discussion or to be added to the next agenda.
It was reported that there was a hedge overhanging the pavement on Vinters Way which was causing an obstruction however, the Chairman suggested this matter would be for Lincolnshire CC to address.
The clerk asked for an update on the working group of volunteers from North Sea Camp. Cllr C Gosling confirmed that currently there were insufficient staff and the project had been put on hold until the New Year.
2024/101 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting
Date and time of the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10 December 2024. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed.