April 2024 Minutes


Present:   Chairman:    K Forman

Councillor:     A Quickfall, C Smith, Craig Gosling

Also present

Mrs C Anderton – Clerk of the Council
Cllr P Skinner, Lincolnshire County Council
Cllr D Broughton, Boston Borough Council

Public Forum

There were no members of the public in attendance.

2024/27    Apologies

Cllr A Gosling, Cllr L Pearson and Cllr P Bedford gave their apologies. 

2024/28  Election of Chairman for the current meeting

Due to the absence of both the Chairman and the Vice Chairman, Cllr Quickfall nominated Cllr Forman to chair the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Smith and agreed by Cllr Gosling.

2024/29     Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the             Localism Act 2011.

There were no interests declared.

2024/30   Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held 12 March 2024 be approved and signed by the Chairman.

2024/31   Reports from Lincolnshire County Council and Boston Borough Council 

Cllr P Skinner provided a verbal report on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council.

Cllr D Broughton also provided a written report on behalf of Boston Borough Council

2024/32 Butterwick Park 

The Chairman stated that he had engaged in a discussion regarding the safety and suitability of the mini wind turbine which did not work and had previously been used to power the light at the park.  The Chairman advised this matter should be held over until the next meeting when all councillors could be present.

The Chairman confirmed that the play equipment repainting has still not been completed as yet.

2024/33  Finance

It was RESOLVED to accept the payments as per the payment sheet 04/2024.

2024/34   Matters for discussion or to be added to the next agenda.

Members of the council expressed their deepest sympathies on the passing of former Councillor, Mike Knowles. Members of the council agreed that a card and flowers should be sent, the clerk confirmed that she would arrange this as soon as possible.

The clerk stated that she had received an application for Co-option from a member of the parish. Members of the council agreed that the applicant be invited to attend the next meeting to give a short presentation. 

2024/35  Date and Time of the next Parish Council Meeting

Date and time of the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 14 April 2024 following the Annual Parish Meeting which begins at 7pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed.